Team Sheets & Scorers
Inputting team sheets and scorers
Step 1

Log into your passport account
Step 2

Click on 'Results Entry & Live Scoring'.
Step 3

Click on your clubs logo.
Step 4

Now you will see the Fixtures/Results screen.
It is important that you filter settings at the top of the screen are correct in order to display the information you require.
- Make sure the date range fields are set to display the fixture/result you are looking for.
- Please ensure that the venue field has nothing selected.
- You can select a specific competition if you wish.
Please be aware that next time you log in your filters will remember your last selections.
Step 5

Select the fixture you require by clicking the 'Pre Game' button on the right of the screen.
Step 6

Now select your team.
On the left of the screen you will see all of the players available for selection.
Click on the players name you want to select for the team sheet and they will move over into the box on the right of the screen under selected players.
Next to the players you have selected you will see a drop-down box where you can select the players position.
If you want to remove a player from the selected players list, click on the red minus symbol of the right of the players name.
Click the green 'Save' button to save your changes.
Step 7

Submit scorers by clicking on the 'Post Game' tab.
Enter the number of tries and goals they have scored in that game next to each player's name.
Click the 'Update Player Scores' to save your changes.
Step 8
If you are a member of OURLEAGUE, and your club submits team sheets and scorers, you will be able to see your own individual player stats by signing in and viewing your dashboard.
The top points scorers are available for each league on